KNOW what sets you apart
The objective of the first step of the Scale Your Brand Method helps you first and foremost get clarity about who you are as a business. What makes you different from other businesses? And whom can you best serve – not just serve but impact their lives and businesses?
KNOWing is such a crucial foundation to everything in your business because if you aren’t clear, how will anyone else be clear on who you are and what you do? Confusion causes inaction, so if a prospect is unclear about who you are, they won’t buy from you; a referral partner won’t be able to refer to you.
So, take the time to start the process here and clarify who you are, how you help, and whom you help.
If you want some help deciding where to start with your results from the Brand Insights Quiz, schedule a free Brand Action Plan Call with me, and together we’ll work on being in the KNOW.