You have an amazing story. We help you tell it. Our virtual consulting agency was founded in 2010, and our team of full-service brand and marketing experts is ready to help you take your business to the next level. Let us help you create alignment between your visual identity, your messaging, and your business operations to deliver a truly stellar client experience.

Let us help. The Orange may be lone, but you’re not!

Meet Tiffany

The Wonder Woman of Lone Orange, Tiffany Hoeckelman is dedicated to helping small businesses develop polished and cohesive branding that is integrated into every facet of their operation. Marketing materials that lack sophistication, lack continuity and lack well-articulated messages are her archnemesis. She tends to geek out on systems and loves to help businesses run more effectively and efficiently from implementing them.

Starting out in 2010 as a virtual assistant and freelance graphic designer, Tiffany witnessed several businesses undermining their success with poor graphic design. She soon recognized that small business owners needed help delving deeper than just their visual identity; they needed someone who could help them identify and cultivate their purpose. With that mission in mind, she has assembled a team of branding, marketing, and other creative experts to offer clients a menu of tailored support.

Discover the secrets to creating great customer experiences. It’s how small businesses make a big impression. Call Tiffany to learn the secrets to converting big impressions into impressive revenues.

Meet Pete the Lone Orange

In the city of St. Petersburg, Florida, there grew an orange tree that only produced one solitary orange each year. While most people would consider this tree a failure of nature, it was far more fruitful than anyone could imagine. For the five years Tiffany lived in St. Petersburg, this tree made its home in her backyard.

The oddity of an orange tree that only produced one orange sparked many joking discussions with family and friends about opening an internationally renowned orange juice company—all from the juice of one lone orange.

While the reality of launching such a venture was clearly absurd, the discussions were the foundation of Tiffany’s entrepreneurial aspirations. What the orange tree failed to provide Tiffany in fruit, it provided in inspiration. And thus began the saga of the Lone Orange…

Lone Orange has earned the SBA Home-Based Business of the Year Award, so we know what it takes to operate a successful business.
Let us put our award-winning skills to work for you.


“Tiffany. I want to thank you for coming up with a process to help me become more confident and clear when talking about my business. I now feel that I am better able to explain to my referral partners who I’m looking to work with so they’re making stronger referrals and I’m attracting clients who are a better fit.”

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